I saw that one of my Facebook friends posted yesterday about the last episode of Lost and it got me thinking. I still have unanswered questions!!
For those of you who haven't seen the show and want to do not continue on.
1. Who in the hell built that giant statue? So, the first time we see it, it's just the foot to the ankle. But, we also see it whole in flashbacks and time jumps. We never find out who built it or why. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
2. Why does everyone heal on the island except for Ben? So, Locke wakes up and he magically can walk again. That sweet lady, Rose, doesn't have cancer anymore. But, Ben develops cancer on the island. Weird, right? Maybe it has something to do with Jacob?
3. Who is the Mother? By Mother, I mean the woman that raised Jacob and the Man in Black. So, she killed their Mom and raised one to be good and one to be evil, but who is she? As a character she relays a lot of the information to Jacob and the viewers Why should we take anything she says at face value? We end the show never knowing where she came from or why she knew what she did. I do have to say that it was awesome that Allison Janney was on the show.
4. What was that pregnancy thing? Ok, so women on the island had complications and couldn't give birth on the island. Do we know why? Nope. This question goes unanswered. They go to such lengths to fix this problem (bringing in Juliet) and yet the show concludes and the viewers still don't know what caused it.
5. What's Walt's deal? So he was "special" and everyone wanted him. He was kidnapped, rescued by his Dad, then shipped back to the real world. But, we never understood what his significance was. One episode he gets mad because his parents aren't paying attention to him and then a bird dies. So, again, what's Walt's deal?
6. Why did Aaron have to be raised by Claire? We were told that "something terrible" would happen if Claire didn't raise her baby after it was born. However, Kate raised Aaron when they escaped the island. So.....what was the "terrible" thing? Honestly, Kate should continue to raise Aaron because Claire at the end of the series was totally effed up in the head.
7. WHO WAS SHOOTING AT THEM??!! This is a question I ask myself at least once a week. There was an episode during the time jumping season where Sawyer and friends get in a long boat and start rowing around the island. All of a sudden, someone starts shooting at them from behind. Things look bad for our folks but then, thankfully, there's another time jump and they're saved. WHO WAS SHOOTING AT THEM??!!
These questions will never be answered. Garr...I do miss watching that show though.
I leave you humming Coldplay's "Lost."
I've never tried listing the many confusing and inconsistent elements of that show. I completely agree with yours. My only answer would be: does any of that matter? Since we learn in the last episode that they've all be "dead" for an unknown amount of time, all the rest was part of some strange fantasy or something anyway. Such confusing show; I enjoyed it much more before they starting ending it.