Friday, May 13, 2011

So...this is love?

I’m going to take this time to forget about yesterday and talk about something I’ve become very passionate about:


My roommate, IPJ, introduced me to World of Anime. I have fallen in love with and I want to watch it all of the time. Because we don’t have cable anymore (stupid Time Warner Cable) we’ve been watching Netflix Instant all the time on the Playstation 3. Meaning, I’ve been watching anime all the time. I seriously can’t get enough of it. I live and breathe it.

I haven’t been home a lot, but when I am I’m watching my current obsession, Naruto. Even just typing that name makes me want to watch it right now.

My new soulmate?

I have to give all the credit to IPJ. I’m much happier with anime in my life. What did I do without it? I mean, the storylines are amazing and the characters are so rich and complex. This is really great quality TV. It’s much better than worrying about what cocky upstart is going to win American Idol, that’s for sure.

I leave you humming Disney’s “A Whole New World.” Of course, one day I hope that IPJ and I will sing it at Karaoke together.


  1. You need to watch Cowboy Bebop. It's my fav.

  2. In hopes of not sounding too ungrateful, which husband is this?
