If you thought of a group with three Ks in it, you're wrong. These are members of a brotherhood called the nazarenos. They are a group of Roman Catholics in Spain celebrating the Easter season by participating in a procession. I know what it looks like, believe me.
But this group has been following this tradition since the 15th Century, so obviously someone else copied. They wear hoods which allow sinners to repent without being identified. Also, they have many different colored robes, including a beautiful Robin's Egg Blue.
I'm torn on this one. On one hand they have every right to follow their traditions and I have complete respect for thier practices. They shouldn't be forced to relinquish that tradition just because an ignorant, disgusting group (that started not even 200 years ago) copied them. On the other hand, there is such a negative connotation on the white robe and hood, maybe they ought to change a few things (without ruining the integrity of their tradition).
I leave you humming Aretha Franklin's "Think."
I think they should stab anyone with their pointy hats if their traditions are questioned. Just a warning. (totally miss you btw)