Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

I knew this day was going to be a good one. During my lunch break I was walking along 42nd street in the direction of 7th Avenue, I saw men. Beautiful, masculine, and specifically, dress uniformed men. That's when I realized the parade must have just ended. It was a girl's best dream. Why can't my lunch always be this yummy?

I was talking to my Dad this morning (who is a veteran, Happy Day Dad!) and this was the conversation we had:

Dad: (Answering the phone.) Hello Jijo!
BB: Hello Popo Jijo! Happy Veteran's Day!
Dad: Why thank you! It's nice to know that some non-veterans are working today.
BB: I'm sorry that you have to work on a day that you're being honored on.
Dad: That's ok; there are a lot of other veterans working today too.
BB: Well, thank you Popo. I appreciate you for defending the people and our country.
Dad: Why, sure! Always glad to see you!
BB: Hey, do you know what Maybelline is doing in Times Square today?
Dad: No, what?
BB: You can go into their trailer and have your lips done up. For a dollar you get a card, you kiss it and they send it to a soldier deployed overseas. They're calling is Kisses for the Troops.
Dad: Are you going to go over there and kiss a card?
BB: Ha, no. I'd rather kiss the soldier.
Dad: That's what I thought you were going to say...

I leave you humming "The Old Man" (From the movie White Christmas. I used to follow my Dad around singing that song. I don't know if he appreciated it.)

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